The 2020 24 Hour almost sold out with just 2 places remaining. A few spots left in the 6 and 12 hour events.
Category Archives: Entry
Entries still available for all 3 races.
Don’t leave it too late to enter, these races fill every year and there will be a waiting list. Entry via
Entries for 2019 are now open
Entries are now open for the 2019 6, 12 and 24 hour races through
The date is Saturday the 13th of April 2019.
12 Hour Race Is Full
I am pleased to announce that the 12 hour race is now full with 2 names already on the waiting list.
6 Hour Race 2018
Sadly James Toombs has had to withdraw from the race, we hope he can make it for 2019!
There are still plenty of places available for the race and, to date, no ladies have entered. Come on girls there are three lovely prizes up for grabs!
12 Hour Race
There are only 2 more places left for the 12 hours but a waiting list will be in operation.
We welcome Norbert Mihalik to the race. Norbert won the Tooting Bec 24 hour race in September with a fine 259.40 km (161.18 miles). A good field so far!
24 Hour Race
Sadly Elspeth Jenkins has withdrawn from the race but has been replaced by Mike Julien who was first on the waiting list.
There are now 12 names on the waiting list so I have decided to not accept any more applications.
I am pleased to announce that Henry Smith, the local M.P. for Crawley has agreed to present the prizes for the 24 hour race.
24 hours is full.
Don’t leave it too late to enter this famous race.
There is now a waiting list for the 24 hours, you can enter online but do not need to pay unless a place becomes available.
Plenty of places left for the 6 and 12 hour races. The 6 hours starts at midday with the 24 hour folk but the 12 hours is a night run starting at 8.00 pm. Great preparation for GUCR or any of the 100 mile events where you have a night session.
For anyone that is counting ‘Marathons’ for the purposes of the 100 Marathon Club, I ask that you run 27 miles (this is an ultra distance event after all) and the Club will accept this as an ultra result.
i look forward to receiving many more entries for the 6 and 12 hour races to enable us to raise a lot of money for our orphans and needy children in Uganda.
Crawley 24 Hour Race 2018 Entry List Half Full!

With 8 months still to go, the Crawley 24 Hour Race 2018 is half full. With a limit of 40 runners Race Director Pam Storey is confident the event will reach its limit. However there seems to be little interest at the moment in the 6 hour and the 12 hour.
The 6 and 12 hour races are great events for novices to step up from marathon into ultramarathon distances.
Track based events are far from being boring unless one is prone to boredom of course. All your supplies can be located trackside, toilets are close at hand and there’s an always manned and supplied aid table never more than 400 m away. With good first aid cover and probably masseurs – this is cushy as far as an ultra goes. IAU certified too.
Get yourself on the DUV list and everyone will know you are an ultrarunner at last.
Entries now open for 2018
Following the success of this years event ( Freedom Leisure British Ultrafest) it has been decided that the event will take place again but under the Charity name.
Same venue but on the 7th/8th of April 2018. 6, 12 and 24 hours.
Enter via the link to Entry
Members of the Road Runners Club will get a £5.00 discount, just put your membership number in the appropriate box.
Seven runners already entered the 24 hours since Tuesday!